Learning Difficulties can arise from specific learning disabilities (SLDs), which affect a child’s ability to use or understand language. These neurodevelopmental disorders may lead to difficulties with thinking about ideas, analyzing, remembering information, and expressing and/or applying concepts previously learned to new situations.
Within the school system, a team consisting of various professionals (incl. administrator, teacher(s), psychologist, social worker, and related service professionals like occupational, speech-language, and physical therapists, as well as the student’s parents) conduct thorough assessments and interviews to effectively identify each student’s strengths, needs, and challenges. They also consider the information provided by parents, including reports from external physicians and specialists. For instance, if your child has a medical diagnosis of autism, it’s important to note that this diagnosis may or may not align with the specific criteria established by IDEA or Florida’s state special education regulations. In some cases, the impact of the diagnosis may be minimal and, therefore, may not qualify as a disability that necessitates special education and related services. Consequently, the medical diagnosis alone will not determine eligibility for special education unless additional information is presented that modifies the conclusions reached by the eligibility team. There must be data evidence concluding that the disability significantly affects the student’s learning and ability to engage in the general education curriculum and that the student requires special education and related services to truly benefit from their educational experience.

A physician or health professional diagnosis does not automatically ensure your child’s eligibility for special education services within the local school system. Eligibility is not guaranteed based solely on a medical diagnosis. For a child to qualify for special education under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), they must be identified as having one of the 14 specific disabilities outlined in the law. These eligibility categories are designed to be comprehensive. While certain diagnoses, such as autism or intellectual disability, align directly with IDEA categories, others, like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), may be classified under broader categories such as Other Health Impairment (OHI).
A medical diagnosis can only be provided by a qualified medical professional, such as a pediatrician or a child psychologist, but some disorders/disabilities may also be identified by a licensed school psychologist in a private practice. When diagnosing developmental issues like Autism, these professionals rely on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-V). Licensed School Psychologists are specifically authorized to identify only learning-related disorders.
Common learning disorders can manifest in a range of difficulties, including:
- Reading: This may involve challenges with recognizing letters or words, decoding text, and comprehending written material.
- Writing: Difficulties may include forming letters, spelling words correctly, organizing thoughts on paper, and expressing ideas coherently.
- Math: This can encompass problems with understanding mathematical concepts, performing calculations, and solving problems.
- Language: This may involve difficulties with understanding or using spoken or written language, including vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.
- Other Skills: This may involve difficulties with learning skills that do not rely on language, such as spatial reasoning, motor coordination, and visual perception.
Individuals with learning disorders by and large have average or above-average intelligence. So, there’s a gap between their expected skills, based on age and intelligence, and how they do in school.
In some states, such as Florida, intelligence isn’t a required component to identify a learning disorder. For instance, in Florida, a child’s performance may be considered significantly below grade level or age-appropriate expectations in one or more areas, including reading, writing, listening, speaking, spelling, and math. To meet the criteria for a student that has a Specific Learning Disability (SLD), response to intervention data must support this conclusion. According to rule 6A-6.03018, F.A.C., the student shows they are not making adequate progress toward meeting chronological age or grade-level standards, even when they receive targeted, innovative, research-based interventions that address the identified areas of concern.
These challenges can significantly impact a child’s academic progress, self-esteem, and overall well-being. Early identification and intervention are crucial for providing appropriate support and accommodations, enabling individuals with learning disorders to reach their full potential.
Lisa Perez
Ed.S., Licensed School Psychologist
I am Lisa Perez, Ed.S., a Certified School Psychologist through the Florida Department of Education and a Licensed School Psychologist through the Florida Department of Health, as well as the Board of Behavioral Sciences in California. With 8 years of experience working with school-age children from Pre-K through 12th grade (ages 3 to 22) in Florida and California, I bring a wealth of knowledge to my practice.