Hi there! My name is Danielle Bencini.
Just so you know I am not your average “sit and talk to me” type of counselor. What does that mean? It means, I am a spontaneous fun counselor. Talking about problems is nice and all, but I really like to play my problems out and I hope you do too!
So what makes me special to work with you ask? Well.. I love working with all age ranges, however, I especially love to work with kids and teens. I have been training the past few years to be a Registered Play Therapist and I am almost ready to say I have those extra letters behind my name. I am also trained in a type of trauma therapy called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for adults, children and teens. Lastly, I am also trained in Animal Assisted Therapy… That’s how the bunnies get to be included.
Oh… The bunnies? You mean Buggy and Chuckles! Buggy and Chuckles are two brother bunnies who came to live with me in 2021 after their previous family couldn’t take care of them anymore. They have been having the best time hopping around and eating all the bananas ever since. They know a thing or two about what it is like to be adopted and live with different families.
I came to live with my mom Danielle back in 2021. This was because I was having trouble making bunny friends with the other bunnies I live with. We didn’t always see eye to eye on how to play together. We kept getting into lots of arguments together. Can you believe that!! Once Danielle learned that I had a very special bunny brother named Buggy she decided to adopt both of us so we wouldn’t be sad or lonely without each other.
I really really love helping my mom teach other people about boundaries. You see a lot of the time rabbits don’t like to be picked up. Rabbits get scared really easily when we get picked up, so I have learned to set lots of boundaries with my mom and others around me. It’s my favorite thing to talk about besides my brother Buggy and bananas.
When I am not in the office working you can find me planning revenge sneak attacks and buggy for always chasing me around the house.
Hello Hello!! My name is Buggy but my mom sometimes calls me Bug.
My brother Chuckles and I came to live with my mom Danielle in 2021. Chuckles was having a hard time getting along with the other rabbits except for me at our last home, so Danielle decided to adopt us. Chuckles and I have a special brother relationship. We are half siblings which means we have the same dad but a different mom. That didn’t stop us from becoming inseparable from each other. Even though we have different moms it doesn’t mean we love each other any less!!
I really love helping my mom teach others about trust and respect. You see, it takes me a long time to trust new people I meet. I also don’t like it when people try to pet me without asking me first if it’s okay. I work with my mom to try to teach others how respecting others will help build trust.
When I am not in the office working I am at home eating all the yummy apple sticks as well as playing chase with chuckles running all over the house.
In the wise words of the Looney Toons,
That’s all Folks!!!
Thank you for taking a look at our page, We look forward to making positive changes to come with you.